
In Herbs, Plants by Thussadmin

Growing herbs is a simple way to add edible plants to your garden. Most herbs are very versatile, and grow well in the ground or in containers. They also mix nicely with either perennial or annual flowers in your garden. A few square feet given to growing herbs outside the back door or along the patio can also serve the needs of those needing a few fresh herbs for dinner. Their leaf color and texture blends in well with just about any plant. A single herb can be grown in a container or several herbs can be planted together to give the balcony or patio gardener an amazing culinary herb garden.

Not only do herbs give you added flavor at meal times, but some aromatic herbs such as Lemon Thyme, Lavender, Lemon Grass and Peppermint can help ward off those pesky mosquitos! 

Herbs are easy to grow with most herbs doing best in full sun with very few that will tolerate almost full shade. Any good garden soil is satisfactory for growing herbs and adding adequate amounts of organic matter such as compost should be worked into the soil prior to planting. This will help improve overall soil structure for aeration and supply nutrients to the plants. Make sure there is sufficient drainage for the herbs. Wet, poorly drained soils, will shorten the useful life of many types of herbs. Consider building raised beds to help with poor drainage problems. Fertilize the herb garden in much the same way you would a vegetable garden. This will encourage the herb’s maximum amount of growth.

Careful attention to timely watering is also a key to producing good herbs. Annual type herbs tend to do better when watering is done to keep soils moist. This will allow the herbs to produce abundant leaf growth. The use of mulches is a good gardening practice that helps to conserve moisture in the soil and to also reduce weed growth.

Plant these popular herbs in your garden and enjoy some fresh-from-the-earth taste at your dinner table.