Marigolds in your Garden

In Marigolds by Thussadmin

Marigolds are an excellent plant to grow. They look lovely in planters or as ornamental beds and borders. But they can also be an excellent addition to your vegetable garden. Many gardeners don’t think to plant flowers in their vegetable garden, but by doing so will help increase the diversity of plants and wildlife, attract more pollinators, increase resilience, protect the soil and keep your garden growing strong.

Marigolds will grow in a wide range of soil types and conditions. Native to sunny and warm climates, they prefer bright sunny areas, are tolerant of heat, drought, and pests. They can withstand full sun exposure with impressive grace and only begin to show signs of stress when the weather is relentlessly hot. Because marigolds can bloom over quite a long period of time, their blooms are therefore an excellent resource for bees and other pollinators throughout the growing season. As marigolds finish blooming, deadheading the plants will encourage them to continue blooming for a longer period of time. Deadheading also helps the plants focus their energy on flower production versus seed production.

The flower’s scent seems to deter nasty bugs and pests that would otherwise be ready to start munching down on your other tasty plants that are growing in the garden. If you choose marigolds for your garden they must be scented to work as a repellant.  Not only can they keep away mosquitoes, but they also dissuade aphids, thrips, white flies, squash bugs, and tomato horn worms.

Planting a ring of marigolds around your vegetable garden and around your patio will have great benefits for you and your gardens!