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Gardening in the Shade

In Shade Gardening by Thussadmin

Every yard has its own special challenges, but it’s nothing a little pop of color can’t fix. There are many flowers that can grow and flourish in shade. A few shade tolerant flowers whether perennials or annuals, planted in the right places can bring color to a dark corner. Every plant needs water and sun to survive, but not all of them …

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Slugs in the Garden

In Slugs by Thussadmin

Slugs are among the most easily recognized pests and if you have slugs in your garden, you are probably familiar with the damage they cause to your plants. You may notice their slimy trail they leave behind or the shredded leaves of your plant. Slugs are nocturnal, so you don’t generally see them. They will emerge or hatch in the …

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Making Mistakes

In Tips to avoid mistakes by Thussadmin

Love the idea of having a beautiful garden? Hold that thought! If you are fairly new to gardening you will need to know a few things that will help keep you out of trouble. Being a gardener means you will likely make a few mistakes, even armed with gardening know-how and well meaning advice, and that’s okay – you can …

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In Fertilizers by Thussadmin

Fertilizing your plants can sometimes be a bit overwhelming if you are unsure of what to use. It is essential though to use fertilizers when you are looking to get the best out of your plants, as most soils will not provide the essential long term nutrients needed for full plant potential. Whenever you see a fertilizer product, it will …

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Vegetable Leaf Spots and Molds

In Leaf Spot by Thussadmin

With the rain and warm temperatures we’ve beening having, your vegetables are likely growing really well and look great! However, if you have started to notice any spots or molds on your plants, here is a bit of info that can help you. Leaf spot is a very common disease of tomatoes and can affect other plants such as potatoes …

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Plants that keep those pesky bugs away!

In Plants that repel insects by Thussadmin

  Summer is almost here, and you’ll want to spend more time outside and in your gardens. Unfortunately, so will those pesky bugs! Many aromatic plants can deter insects that might otherwise attack your plants. Fragrant herbs like mint, sage, and basil are useful for repelling insects. Planting herbs and certain flowers will help to repel those bugs, including irritating …

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In Zinnias by Thussadmin

Zinnias are annuals, meaning that they go from seed to flower to seed in one growing season, so they will not come back up the following year. Zinnias are really low maintenance. Since they’re fast-growing, they shade out most weeds. They don’t require much in the way of fertilizing (just an occasional well-balanced mix), and they don’t need mulching. Deadheading …