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Vegetable Leaf Spots and Molds

In Leaf Spot by Thussadmin

With the rain and warm temperatures we’ve beening having, your vegetables are likely growing really well and look great! However, if you have started to notice any spots or molds on your plants, here is a bit of info that can help you. Leaf spot is a very common disease of tomatoes and can affect other plants such as potatoes …

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Deadheading Perennials

In Deadheading by Thussadmin

Deadheading/Trimming Perennials Removing spent blooms will help keep your perennials tidy and promote more flowers. Deadheading and promoting new blooms will also provide more pollen and nectar for the pollinators in your gardens. The plants get a refreshed appearance and the amount of seed it drops is lessened with deadheading. This will direct the plants energy into root development and …

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Tomato Splits

In Tomato Splitting by Thussadmin

Seeing your big, red, ready to pick tomato with a split in its soft skin often happens after a big rain – right when you are ready to pick it! All season you’ve watched your tomato plants grow and blossom, and have nurtured the plant and small green tomatoes into plump, red juicy ones. And then you notice a long …

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Butterfly Gardens

In Pollinators by Thussadmin

Butterflies and flowers were made for each other, and there are certain flowers that butterflies absolutely love to be around. Different species of butterflies have different preferences of nectar, in both colors and tastes. Searching for nectar they help pollinate plants, ensuring seeds for future generations. Planting a wide variety of plants will give the greatest diversity of visitors in your garden. …

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Drought Tolerant Plants

In Drought Tolerant Plants by Thussadmin

In order to beat the heat of summer and have a colorful yard or patio all season long, you’ll need to have plants that are tolerant of the high temperatures of summer as well as being somewhat drought tolerant. The following is a partial list of plants having drought tolerant potential, but you must still remember  that all plants will …

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In Lavender by Thussadmin

Lavender can make a stunning addition to borders and perennial gardens, providing bundles of color and fragrant aromas from early summer into fall. With its green foliage, upright flower spikes and compact shrub-like form, lavender is ideal for creating informal hedges. You can also cut it for fragrant floral arrangements. Ensure that you purchase healthy plants for your garden. Provide …

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In Peppers by Thussadmin

Peppers have a lot going for them. They offer something for everyone: spicy, sweet or hot, and come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, plus the spicy ones can liven up bland food, making it more satisfying.They’re low in calories and are loaded with good nutrition, specifically two great antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A. California Wonder Peppers …

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In Hydrangeas by Thussadmin

Of all the flowering shrubs this has always been a show stopper! They are long living shrubs that bloom most of the summer and well into fall. With so many new varieties and colours to choose from you’re certain to find one that is right for you! Endless Summer Hydrangeas are unique as they can grow enormous, bold flowers on …

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Wave Petunia vs. the Supertunia

In Wave vs Supertunia by Thussadmin

Always a gardeners favorite annual, petunias now come in newer varieties offering even more spectacular shows of color than ever before. The Wave Petunia and Supertunia are among those that create show stopping ground cover or hanging baskets. So how do you know which one to choose?   Uses The Wave petunia is known for their ability to blanket the garden …

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In Zinnias by Thussadmin

Zinnias are annuals, meaning that they go from seed to flower to seed in one growing season, so they will not come back up the following year. Zinnias like to be grown from seed right in the garden bed – but the seeds can also be started indoors 4-6 weeks before you’re ready to plant them outside.  Transplant them while …